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Vol.5, No.1, 8 ~ 19, 1967
Ingot Mould Preparation with Water Spray Cooling for Mould Dressing & Next Teeming
계찬 Chan Kye
This paper has studied the ingot mould preparation, especially with the water spray cooling, considering mould temperature and possible ingot and mould defects at the electric arc furnace melting shop comprising four arc furnaces ranging in size, from 14 to 50 ton capacity and two high frequency induction furnaces, 10 and 7 ton capacity of each, and also at the open hearth furnace melting shop comprising four furnaces ranging in size, from 19 to 38 ton capacity. At all of the melting shop there are used mostly four kinds of ingot moulds, 11 in. E. 14 in. E, 20 in D, 23 in. D, in size and 520, 960, 1,700 and 2,600, in ingot weight, respectively but herein, this paper has only dealt with the three kinds of ingot moulds, 14 in. E, 20 in. D and 23 in. D, in size. And this paper has studied in the winter season at the minus 7℃(under zero) of the average atmospheric temperature.
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