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Vol.6, No.1, 1 ~ 9, 1968
Study on the Screen Packed Fluidized Bed Roasting of Molybdenum Trisulfide Cake by Elutriation .
김재환J . H . Kim, 김성수S . S . Kim, 강웅기W . K . Kang
The screen packed fluidized bed roasting of molybdenum trisulfide cake by elutriation which is a by-product at the precipitation of chemical processing plant of tungsten ore at Sangdong, Korea, has been studied. The molybdenum trisulfide was ground, sieved through 65 to 100 mesh screen and roasted at 130 to 500℃ of reaction temperature and constant superficial velocity of 80 cm/sec. It was found that roasting method could be applied 3-multistage reactor. The recommendable temperature ranges of each reactor are 300℃ to 350℃ at the first, 500℃ to 550℃ at the second, and the adequate temperature for dead roasting at the 3rd reactor.
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