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Vol.6, No.1, 15 ~ 19, 1968
Recovering of Bismuth from heungshin Low Grade Bismuth Ore by the Chlorination Process
김정국Jung Kuk Kim, 이양춘Yang Chun Lee, 이성주Sung Joo Lee
This test was made in order to find the feasibility of recovering bismuth from low grade bismuth bearing bulk flotation sulfide concentrate by the chlorination process. Raw material used was obtained from Heungshin mine and assayed 0.93 percent of bismuth and 7.6 percent cf copper. Laboratory tests were made batchwise in a horizontal furnace, using carnallite as chloridizing reagent and charcoal as reductant. Comparative tests using sodium chloride substituted for carnallite showed better result in recovering bismuth. The best result, more than 97 percent of bismuth recovery, was obtained in 4 hours operation at 450 degree centigrade, using 20 percent sodium chloride as chloridizing reagent and 5 percent charcoal as reducing agent.
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