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Vol.6, No.1, 19 ~ 24, 1968
Production of Zinc White from Marmatite by the Distillation Process
김정국Jung . K Kim, 우종안Jong A . Woo
This report describes a technical feasibility study of employing the distillation process on producing zinc white from marmatite. The marmatite concentrate was roasted in a 500 gram rotary roaster in order to produce calcine. Distillation tests were made batchwise in a 300 gram Globar furnace at different temperatures ranged 900 to 1200℃, using anthracite as reductant and lime stone as flux. The anthracite and lime stone used in these tests were assayed 57.8% of fixed carbon and 50% of calcium oxide, respectively. Zinc vapor produced in the furnace was immediately oxidized at the vapor outlet, and zinc white fume was simultaneously sent to the bag collector pneumatically. Above results of the tests indicated that (1) anthracite, as reducing agent, can be substituted for coke; d(2) the optimum charge ratio of calcine: anthracite: lime stone was 10:9:1; (3) distillation time was reduced gradually with increasing temperature; and (4) at 1,200℃, commercial grade zinc white was produced with more than 95% recovery for an hour operation.
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