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Vol.6, No.1, 24 ~ 31, 1968
Pelletizing Test of Jaun Magnetite Concentrate
김정국Jung Kuk Kim, 조영철Yung Chul Joh
This research was undertaken to investigate the effects of particle size of concentrate and amount of binder on the producing physically competent iron ore pellets as blast-furnace feed. Raw material used in this work was obtained from Jaun magnetite iron mine as magnetic concentrate which assays iron content of 57% and particle size distributes 1.58% of minus 325 mesh. Before pelletizing tests were begun, the raw material was reground and magnetically concentrated in order to prepare the sample to various lots. The concentrate was pelletized batchwise in a 16 by 5 inch smooth drum, using bentonite as binder, Results of the research indicated that (1) the particle size distribution of concentrate must consist of more than 60% of minus 325 mesh; (2) variations of bentonite amount in pellets effected considerably higher on the physical strength for green pellets and dry pellet, but less effects were shown for indurated pellets; (3) in these tests, it was found that the optimum consumption of bentonite for this specific sample was at least 3%; (4) compression strength of 5/8-inch indurated pellets ranged up to 100㎏ or more; and (5) comparative tests of up-graded pellets, ranged iron content from 61.2% to 67.7%, showed little, if any, higher values in physical strength.
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