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Vol.8, No.1, 21 ~ 26, 1970
A Study of Corrosion Inhibitor of Mild Steel for Cooling Water by Polarization Characteristic Measurements
박영우Young W . Park, 조종수Jong S . Cho
ASTM A-53B was used as a mild steel, and corrosion inhibiting effect of souium chromate, meta-phosphate, and zinc-salt for coiling water system was studied by measurements of polarization characteristics and weight loss test in circulating water system. Results are summarized as: 1) Using only sodium chromate with low concentration (below 20 ppm CrO₄) pitting corrosion and tuberculation could not be prevented. 2) Mixture of sodium chromate and meta-phosphate with concentration range tested did not exhibit good inhibiting effect. 3) Mixture of meta-phosphate and zine salt at low concentration was shown 90-95% protection and did not be found any tuberculation. 4) Polarization characteristics could be used for suitable and rapid selections of inhibitor and its concentration for the cooling water system.
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