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Vol.8, No.4, 205 ~ 212, 1971
Thermodynamic Properties of Liquid aluminum - Indium System
이용근 Yong K . Lee
The thermodynamic properties of the liquid aluminum-indium system have been investigated by the following reversible galvanic cell in the temperature range 700 to 950℃. Al(ℓ) | KCl-NaCl, AlCl₃ | Al-In(ℓ) The activities derived show considerable positive deviations from Raoult`s law. The experimental results agree with the activities estimated from the liquidus line or those derived from Lumsden`s model. The activity coefficients at infinite dilution were determined at 700℃ to be 11.4 and 13.2 for aluminum and indium, respectively. Limits of the miscibility gap and the location of critical point which had involved uncertainty were confirmed with the observed lines of electromotive force. Various partial and integral thermodynamic quantities were derived from expeimental data, and it was found that the heats of mixing obtained were in good agreement with those determined directrly with calorimeter by Wittig. Furthermore, the interaction energy and the short-range order parameter in this liquid alloy have been evaluated by the aid of the theory of quaisichemical approach, and the results obtained show reasonable agreements with those derived by the classical thermodynamic method.
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