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Vol.9, No.2, 74 ~ 81, 1971
On the Growth of Gamma Prime Precipitates in an Aged Inconel 700 Alloy
최형섭Hyung Sup Choi, 최주Ju Choi
The kinetics of growth of the gamma prime precipitates in Inconel 700 alloy were studied by means of electron microscopy. The coarsening behavior of the gamma prime precipitates was determined as a function of aging time by measuring the particle sizes of samples aged at 760℃, 840℃ and 880℃, respectively. The aging kinetics was shown to be in good agreement with the predictions of the Lifshitz-Wagner theory of diffusion-controlled coarsening at all aging temperatures examined, since the mean particle size increased with the 1/3 power of the aging time. The value of the activation energy for the coarsening process was found from the experimental data to be 60.9 ㎉/㏖.
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