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Vol.9, No.3, 158 ~ 165, 1971
A Study of hydrogen Diffusion in Zinc
문인형 In H . Moon
Two experimental methods are used for the study of H₂-diffusion in polycrystalline zinc. Diffusion coefficients (D.C.) of hydrogen in Zn, which are first measured with the gasvolumetric method, are as follows: D=5.8×10^(-3) exp(1400±200/RT)㎠/sec in 99.99%Zn D=4.2×10^(-3) exp(2200±200/RT)㎠/sec in 99.9%Zn The above results are almost good conformed with theoretical one. D.C. of H₂-diffusion in 99.9% Zn are also measured at room temperature with the electrochemical method. But this value is smaller than that obtained from the gasvolumetric method. The reasons of discrepancy between the values obtained from the gasvolumetric method and from the electrochemical method are discussed. The solubility of H₂ in Zn calculated at 200℃ is about 5.3×10^(-3) cc(NTP)/100gr Zn.
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