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Vol.10, No.1, 16 ~ 23, 1972
Thermally Activated Deformation Mechanisms in Strain Hardened Polycrystalline Copper
맹선재Sun C . Maeng, 허성강Sung K . Hur, 신현길Hyun K . Shin
As a study of low temperature thermally activated deformation mechanism in polycrystalline copper, flow stress vs temperature curves of various prestrain hardened samples were determined for two different strain rates. Flow stress vs temperature curves showed linear relationship. Rapid change of the flow stress near 200°K reported by Adams and Cottrell, and Seeger, could not be observed. Assuming the deformation is controlled by thermally activated vacancy formation, experimental results were analysed according to Seeger`s theory, and activation volumes, length of dislocation segments, dislocation densities and athermal stresses for various prestressed states were determined.
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