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Vol.11, No.2, 177 ~ 184, 1973
Study for the Effect of Stress on Graphitization in malleable Cast Iron
강춘식 Cun Sik Kang
The present study attempted to achieve a deeper understanding of the effect of stress on graphitization as well as solidification in malleable cast iron. White cast iron was supercooled and its grain size was refined by applying stress by means of centrifugal force. Nucleation capacity of malleable cast iron increased with increasing stress and the activation energy of nucleation was ranged from 25,000 to 35,000 ㎈/㏖. Furthermore rate of graphite growth depend in turn upon nucleation. Graphite growth rate increase as nucleation capacity increase and its activation energy for graphite growth was ranged from 22,000 to 31,000 ㎈/㏖ in the heats examined.
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