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Vol.11, No.4, 324 ~ 329, 1973
Ferric chloride Leaching of Chalcopyrite Concentrate
김수식Soo Sik Kim, 김종일Jong Il Kim
The optimum conditions for extraction of copper from Korean chalcopyrite concentrate using a ferric chloride were studied at atmospheric and higher pressures. The variables investigated were particle size of the concentrate, weight ratio FeCl₃/CuFeS₂, reaction temperature, and reaction time. The optimum conditions determined in tests at atmospheric pressure were; particles of 6μ in mediar diameter, weight ratio FeCl₃/CuFeS₂ of 4, and temperature of 105℃. Under these conditions, 99% of the copper was extracted in 60 minutes. It was also found that 99% of the copper was extracted in 60 minutes from the unground concentrate as received, under conditions of the weight radio FeCl₃/CuFeS₂ of 4 and temperature of 150℃.
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