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Vol.12, No.2, 142 ~ 154, 1974
Effect of pressure applied during solidification on the stabilizing in Zn - 22 % Al alloy
이종남 J . N . Lee
In order to study the effect of pressure applied up to 1000 ㎏/㎠ during solidification on the stabilizing in Zn-22%Al alloy, dimensional changes of the alloy have been meassured at various temperature, and microstructural observation and hardness test were also performed. The calculated activation energies with various applied pressure were lower with higher applied pressure as Q_0=60,200 ㎈/㏖, Q_(250)=46,600 ㎈/㏖, Q_(500)=32,900 ㎈/㏖ and, Q_(750) and Q_(1000) were almost equal to Q_(500). The rate of eutectoid decomposition was accelerated with applied pressure up to 500 ㎏/㎠, thus stabilization was greatly affected.
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