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Vol.12, No.3, 261 ~ 270, 1974
Smelting of titaniferous magnetite from Soyonpyong - do and chlorination of Titania Slag
백영현 , 윤동석 , 김재수 Young Paik , Tong Suk Yun , Jae S . Kim
The amenability of titaniferous magnetite from Soyonpyong-do to iron and titania slag was determined in a laboratory scale. The effects of grain size of the ore, amounts of sodium flux and carbon, and temperature on the smelting were studied. An attempt was also made to upgrade the titanic slag by leaching with sulfuric acid solution. Chlorination behaviours of titanic slag, titaniferous magnetite, and ilmenite were respectively investigated by a batch-boat technique. Optimum conditions for chlorination of titanic slag were compaired with those of other two titanium bearing substances.
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