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Vol.12, No.3, 270 ~ 278, 1974
A study on the Design of Cold die by Double Reinforced - Ring
박천경C . K . Park, 염성하S . H . Yum, 정재천C . C . Chong, 염영하Y . H . Yum .
Recently, the study of die-design is actively developing with the reinforced cold forging dies. In this paper, the materials of the cold forging dies used spring steel in the reinforced-ring and die steel (SKD 11) in the insert. Yielding condition is based on Trasca`s solution (max. shear stress) and carried out numerical calculation for the cold forging dies. Effect of the reinforced-ring, dies dimension and thermal shrinkage allowance observed the influence of the strength of dies through the experimental results. It is found that if spring steels are proper treated, it could be available for cold forging reinforced-ring from obtained data.
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