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Vol.12, No.4, 399 ~ 404, 1974
Amalgam Electrorefining of Lead
이원해Won Hae Lee, 유룡주Yong Zoo You, 오재현Jae Hyun Oh
The electrorefining of the crude lead was carried out by both techniques, the amalgam electrorefining and the conventional electrorefining. The amalgam electrorefining used a cell which consists of two compartments separated by a barrier which was suspended in a shallow pool of liquid lead amalgam to give a gap between the barrier and the cell bottom. The lead anode and the lead anode which surface was amalgamated in HgCl₂ solution were employed for the conventional electrorefining. Pb(ClO₄)₂-HClO₄ solution was used as an electrolyte and gelatin was also used as the additive agent. Even at high current densities the polarization of the liquid lead amalgam was similar to that of the metallic lead, and increased linearly with increasing the current density. The impurity level in the refined lead obtained by the amalgam electrorefinig was less than 10^(-4) percent. The polarization of amalgamated anode was also similar to that of the matallic lead. Refined lead produced by the electrorefining of the crude with amalgamated surface was purer than that of the conventional electrorefining.
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