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Vol.13, No.2, 133 ~ 137, 1975
The effects of Fe ion on the current efficiency and Power Consumption in Zinc electrolysis
김지혁 , 이문희 , 임흥수 , 조만형 S . H . Kim , M . H . Lee , H . S . Leem , M . H . Cho
The effect of Fe-ion was studied on the consumption of electric power and current efficiency per ton of deposited zinc in the zinc electrolysis. The composition of electrolyte was 65g/ℓ Zn and 140g/ℓ free H₂SO₄ and the temperature of electrolyte was 35℃. In the presence of 1㎎/ℓ Fe current efficiency was lowered by about 1% and 0.5% at current densities of 370A/㎡ and 650A/㎡ respectively and the consumption of electric power was increased by about 17KWh/t Zn and 12KWh/t Zn respectively.
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