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Vol.13, No.3, 240 ~ 247, 1975
On the Change of expansion force during Solidification in the spheroidal graphite cast iron
김수영 , 박윤우 Soon Young Kim , Yoon Woo Park
The formation of shrinkage cavities during solidification is a serious defect in the spheroidal graphite cast iron castings. It is considered that the shrinkage cavities are formed as a result of the expansion force of spheroidal graphite cast iron during solidification, and the force was measured. The results obtained through this experiment are as follows: 1. The highest force during the solidification in the spheroidal graphite cast iron is 36-37kgw (X component of the force) 2. The force increasing gradient df/dt, in the spheroidal graphite cast iron of hyper eutectic composition is 167gw/sec. when eutectic reaction es occres
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