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Vol.13, No.3, 257 ~ 267, 1975
The influence of alloying elements on the solubility of hydrogen in the zirconium base multicomponent system
박중근 , 이재영 Joong Keun Park , Jai Young Lee
With published solubility of hydrogen in the α-phase and β-phase of binary alloys of Zirconium with various alloying elements, the interaction coefficient of each alloying element is calculated at each temperature up to 5 atomic percent of alloying elements. The temperature dependence of interaction coefficients of niobium, indium, titanium, antimony, oxygen in α-phase and niobium in β-phase is discussed in the temperature range of 600℃-800℃ and the temperature dependence of interaction coefficient of above elements is calculated. The physical meaning of interaction coefficient is discussed and the terminal solubility of hydrogen in the α-phase of hypothetical multicomponent alloys of Zirconium has been predicted by means of it.
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