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Vol.13, No.3, 274 ~ 282, 1975
Kinetics of Dissolution of Iron Bearing Zinc Sulfide in Aqueous Sulfuric acid
백영현 , 김희동 Young Paik , Hee D . Kim
Rates of dissolution reaction of natural sphalerite with aqueous sulfuric acid were studied in the concentration range of 0.1N to 10N and over a temperature range of 20℃ to 90℃. The effect of iron on the dissolution rate wes investigated by using three sphalerites at the different iron levels of Fe 13.96%, 0.33% and 0.11%. In the absence of depolarizer, the dissolution reaction a controlled by the surface reaction, and the rate could be expressed in terms of the spherical geometry for the initial stage of the reaction; 1-(1-R)^(◎)=kt An activation energy for tine dissolution reaction was found to be 11 ㎉ regardless of the iron level in sphalerite. A quantitative picture of the reaction mechanism was given based on rate studies and etching tests. Galvanic dissolution may be an important factor affecting the reaction rate of natural sphalerite.
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