
Home > KJMM 논문 > 발간논문

Vol.14, No.3, 296 ~ 302, 1976
Study for the Effect of Prestrain on creep Phenomena of Low Carbon Steel
이용호 , 조성석 , 홍종미 Yong Ho Lee , Seong Seok Cho , Jong Hwi Hong
The effect of prestrain on creep phenomena to low carbon steel has been investigated. Prestrain was changed from 0 to 7.1% for 0.1% c-steel and from 0 to 5.59% for 0.43% c-steel. Prestrain over the yield point was resulted in the uniform plastic deformation by increasing load. Creep was examined in the range of temperature from 400℃ to 500℃, and of stress from 24.59(0.1% c-steel) to 34.68㎏/㎟(0.43% c-steel). Creep strength rises with increased prestrain and carbon content. The ratio transition creep rate against steady creep rate was increased with increasing prestrain and carbon content.
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