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Vol.15, No.1, 16 ~ 24, 1977
Effect of Pressure during Solidification on the Structure and mechanical Properties of Al - 4.5% Cu Cast Alloy
최창옥Chang Ock Choi, 이종남Jong Nam Lee
A1-4.5% Cu alloy without grain refiner and degassing agent was allowed to solidify in a cylindrical die with 200℃ under high hydrostatic pressure ranging from 0 ㎏/㎠ to 2,000㎏/㎠ at 750℃ pouring temperature. Castings solidified, under pressure showed the following characteristics; (1) Suppression of shrinkage cavity and porosity (2) Columnar crystal change to equiaxed crystal by increasing the applied pressure (3) Refinement of grain size (4) Improvement in mechanical properties to 1,000㎏/㎠
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