
Home > KJMM 논문 > 발간논문

Vol.15, No.3, 265 ~ 272, 1977
The Diffusion of Hydrogen in Beta - Titanium and Beta - Titanium Alloys
이문용 , 이재영 , 천성순 Moon Yong Lee , Jai Young Lee , Soung Soon Chun
The kinetics of the reaction of hydrogen with titanium and Ti-Fe alloys were studied in the temperature range of 890℃-1030℃ at 8-19 torr hydrogen pressure by the thermogravimetic method. The experimental data indicate that the rate controlling step of both reactions are hydrogen diffusion in diffusion metals. The temperature dependence of diffusion coefficients of hydrogen in pure Ti and Ti-7 at.% Fe alloy are D=1.62×10^(-3)exp(­6650±410/RT)㎠/sec D=1.58×10^(-3)exp(­7450±300/RT)㎠/sec respectively. It is found that the iron decreases markedly the diffision coefficient of hydrogen. It is believed that the Fe in Ti decrease the interstitial site of titanium lattice.
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