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Vol.15, No.4, 330 ~ 338, 1977
Study on the Malleable Cast Iron casted in Metal Mold
강춘식 Chun Sik Kang
The effect of supercooling on the first stage graphitization of white cast iron has been studied by using the metal mold and sand mold which has various diameter for the purpose of studying various effects of malleable cast iron casted in metal mold. Following results are obtained. 1) The rate of the graphitization more increases with increasing thickness of metal mold in the metal mold casting process than in the sand mold casting process. 2) The rate of the graphitization increases more at the position near the mold wall both in the metal mold casting process and in the sand mold casting process, but the effect of which is more remarkable on the specimen tasted in metal mold. 3) The rate of graphitization increases with the annealing time both in the metal mold casting process and in the sand mold casting process, but the number of nodules are maximum at 40 min. in the metal mold casting process and 50 min. in the sand mold casting process, and afterward decreases. 4) The rate of the graphitization in white cast iron tasted in metal mold are maximized in the sample with 20㎜ thickness.
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