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Vol.16, No.5, 370 ~ 377, 1978
Influence of Carbon and Silicon to the SDN ( degree of normalization ) in Spheroidal Graphite Cast Iron
이희철Hee C . Lee, 장치현Chee H . Chang, 한성호Seong H . Han, 박윤우Yoon W . Park, 김수영Soo Y. Kim
To study the properties of spheroidal graphite cast iron such as tensile strength, hardness and elongaion, the effects of Si on the properties of the alloy under the constant amount of C were investigated and vice verse. The important results obstained are as follows. 1) Under the 2.5% of silicon with the variation of amouuts of carbon, degree of normalization (SDNsi) and hardness (SHNsi) of the alloy are as follows. SDNsi=-1.95Sc+85.1/15.6Sc+30.9×100 SHNsi=-90.0Sc+287)/105 Sc+31 2) Under 3.21% of carbon with the variation of amount of silicon, SPNc and SHNc of the alloy are as follows SDNc=-68.0Sc+132.2/15.6Sc+30.9×100 SHNc=-410Sc+586/105Sc+31 3) Under 2.35% of silicon the elongation due to variation of amount of carbon is 7.5% when Sc is 1 and the elongation is 4.7% when Sc is 0.8. Therefor the large differences in the elongation between Sc equals 1 and 0.8 were not observed. However, under the constant amount of carbon, differences in the elongation due to variation of silicon are very large.
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