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Vol.17, No.2, 99 ~ 107, 1979
Diffusion of hydrogen in Zr - Ni Alloys
손동성Dong Sung Sohn, 이재영Jai Young Lee, 박평주Pyung Choo Park
The diffusivities of hydrogen in Zr-0.5, 1.05, 1.5 and 2.3 at.% Ni alloys were respectively measured over 900-1080℃ by the gravimetric technique. The diffusion activation energies for hydrogen increased linearly as Ni concentration increased and expressed by the equation. Q_D=(8297±221)+(3366±148)×(at.%Ni) ㎈/mole H₂ while the hydrogen diffusivities decreased, Ni concentration is increased, The diffusivity data at each alloy composition are presented.
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