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Vol.17, No.4, 317 ~ 328, 1979
Mechanical Behaviors and Structures in A Dual Phase C1020 Steel
김희재Hee Jae Kim, 조승환Seung Hwan Cho, 김재환Chul Whan Kim, 전운학Un Hack Chun
A study has been made on the mechanical behaviors of dual phase of C1020 steel, in which both ferrite and martensite phases are present. The heat treatment with varying the quenching temperature, Q_T, was carried out for the determination of the fraction martensite as a function of Q_T. The tensile properties of dual phase C1020 steel were correlated with its martensite content, and the strength and ductility of C1020 dual phase steel was found to be mostly linear relationship to the fraction martensite. The expressions for relationship of mechanical properties of steel were derived as a function of percent martensite. Ductility for C1020 steel increases substantially until 24.5% in going from the as quenched to a tempered condition. The ultimate tensile strength of the tempered martensite for C1020 steel was determined from 311 Mpa to 1065 Mpa with varying the Q_T. The mode of failure for dual phase C1020 steel was due partly to microvoid coalescence (dimple patterns) and intergranular cleavage (ferrite grains).
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