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Vol.18, No.5, 432 ~ 444, 1980
The Effect of Intermediate Thermomechanical Treatment on Mechanical Properties of 7050 Aluminum Alloy
김준동June Dong Kim, 주웅길Woong Kil Choo
Effects of two intermediate thermomechanical treatments, which are FA-ITMT and ISML-ITMT on mechanical properties and microstructures of 7050 aluminum alloy were studied. The mechanical properties were investigated as function of deformation temperature and degree of deformation during final deformation step of FA-ITMT. The ITMT treated specimens were examined either in the as-recrystallized(AR) condition or in AR plus hot deformed condition (AR+HR). The results showed that fine grained microstructures can be obtained in 7050 aluminum alloy through the FA-ITMT and ISML-ITMT. However, the mechanical properties of ITMT AR treated specimen were inferior to those of conventionally processed specimen. Elongation and fracture toughness of AR+HR treated specimen were superior to those of conventionally processed specimen especially in the T-L direction. Fracture toughness increased as hot deformation temperature increased during FA-ITMT, and it also increased as the degree of hot deformation increased at 390℃. When the degree of hot deformation at 430℃ and 470℃ respectively was 40%, the fracture toughness showed the peak value.
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