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Vol.18, No.3, 169 ~ 179, 1980
Microhardness as A Tool for the Surface orientation of Face - Centered Metals
백동규 Dong Kyu , Paik
A method is given for the determination of the surface orientation of polycrystalline face centered cubic metals from slip traces produced by the microhardness. At the same time, a new graphical method using a loci net of the {111} poles is proposed. An example of the use of the microhardness is presented on a Cu-6% Al specimen, where relevant matters such as the locating of the microhardness indentations, the kind and processing of informations obtainable from the slip traces, the minimum surface area of a crystal required and the accuracy of results are described. It is seen that when slip traces by the microhardness are concerned, the orientation of a crystal can be determined unambiguously even if there are only three slip trace directions. Observation of a considerable twin imperfection and of a correlation between the bright-dark separation of crystals on the etched surface and the crystal orientations is made as result of the determination of the orientation in this example.
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