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Vol.19, No.2, 105 ~ 112, 1981
Sheet Formability of High Permeability Nickel - iron Alloys
유연철Yeon Chul Yoo, 강일구Il Koo Kang, 이동녕Dong Nyung Lee
An experimental study has been made to determine tensile properties and forming limit curves for a variety of permeable nickel-iron alloys whose nickel contents ranged from 34 to 82 percents. The values of tensile strength, yield strength and elongation of the alloys indicated that the alloys have good formability. The true uniform strains of the alloys were about 0.3 which is larger than that of low carbon steel and lower than brass. The relative cup height (Hf/Dp) was increased with increasing lubrication and also increasing strain rate sensitivity for the same true uniform strains. Forming limit curves of the alloys were at similar levels as those of low carbon steels.
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