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Vol.19, No.6, 500 ~ 506, 1981
Alkaline Leaching of Uranium Ore from the Deposit of Okchon Series
이효숙Hyo Sook Lee, 한규진Kyu Jin Han, 김대수Dae Soo Kim
Alkaline leaching of an uranium containing coaly shale in Okchon Series was investigated under the various oxygen partial pressure and different alkaline concentrations. The relationship between oxygen partial pressure, P, and uranium leachability, X, was determined as follows: X=kP^(0.34), X=kp^(0.11) for carbonate and carbonate-bicarbonate solutions, respectively, where k is an overall rate constant. As the carbonate concentration increased the leachability of uranium increased up to 80 %. With the mixture of carbonate-bicarbonate solutions higher leachability was obtained.
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