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Vol.19, No.10, 897 ~ 906, 1981
The Structure and mechanical Properties of Unidirectionally Solidified Al - Cu - Mg Eutectic Alloys
강황진Whang Jin Kang, 이기대Kee Dae Lee, 조현기Hyun Kee Cho
Unidirectional solidification experiments were conducted on Al-Cu-Mg ternary eutectic alloys to investigate the effects of the growth rate and (Cu+Mg)/(Al+Cu+Mg) ratio on the composites structure and the mechanical properties at temperature gradient 80℃/㎝ in the range of crystal growth rate from 0.1 to 1.2 ㎜/min. The results indicated that lamellar composite structure and colony structure are formed in the range of growth rate 0,1∼0.3 ㎜/min. and 0.6∼1.2 ㎜/min., respectively. The scale of phases varies as the growth rate to the negative one-half power and λ²R was 8.5 ×10^(-6) ㎣/min. The faster growth and he higher (Cu+Mg) wt.% in the range below 40.3 wt.% cause the higher mechanical strength. Failure in tension of these alloys initiates from crack formed by loading and is describable by Griffith brittle-fracture theory.
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