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Vol.20, No.11, 975 ~ 979, 1982
Study on the Co -1% 119 Sn Alloy by the Mossbauer Spectrometer
김인배 In Bae Kim
Temperature dependence of the hyperfine field and the isomer shift at (119)^Sn nuclei in fcc and hexagonal Co has been measured from 83˚K to 754˚K. The hyperfine field of fcc and hexagonal Co are 18.5 and 50.8 k0e respectively at 83˚K, 3-0 and 9.5 k0e at 673˚K. The dependence of the field on temperature is quite anomalous and shows a similar fashion in both structures. This dependence might be caused by the formation of localized moment at the Sn atom.
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