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Vol.21, No.3, 192 ~ 198, 1983
Effect of Sn Content on the Mechanical Properties of Sintered Fe-6 ( Cu - Sn ) Alloys
박영도Young Do Park, 김도연Doh Yeon Kim
The effects oP Sn contents and sintering temperature on dimensional change, tensile strength and hardness of sintered Fe-6 (Cu-Sn) alloy were investigated. Due to liquid phase occuring during sintering, all the specimens showed dimensional expansion after sintering and the sintering temperature at which a relatively large expansion occured decreased with Sn content. Thus the addition of small amount of Sn in place of Cu aids the sintering operation because it lowers the liquid phase forming temperature. From mechanical property tests, it has been shown that the properties obtained from compacts of Fe-4Cu-2Sn composition sintered at 900℃ were similar to those obtained from Fe-6Cu compacts sintered at 1100℃. For the specimens with larger amounts of Sn, a significant decrease in tensile strength was observed. Therefore, it is concluded that the optimum ratio of Cu : Sn is 2 : 1. The microstructures of the sintered specimens are presented and an attempt is made to relate these to the mechanical properties and dimensional change after sintering.
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