
Home > KJMM 논문 > 발간논문

Vol.21, No.4, 365 ~ 371, 1983
Surface Hardening or High - C Steel by CO2 Laser
김도훈T . H . Kim, 박영서Y . S . Park, 윤영주Y . J . Yoon, 김웅U . Kim
The hardened layer of the high-C (1%) steel with a thickness of 25㎛ was obtained by the irradiation of CO₂laser with a power density of 2×10^5 W/㎠ for about 0.23 second (spot size of 0.23㎜, scanning speed of 6㎝/min). When the thickness of hardened layer was compared with the temperature calculated by the conduction of heat in solid, the hardening mechanism was due to the solid-state transformation in steel.
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