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Vol.21, No.6, 541 ~ 548, 1983
Effect of Cold rolling on the Magnetic Properties of Nonoriented Silicon Steel
한봉희B . H . Hahn, 박인식I . S . Park, 우종수J . S . Woo
The effect of cold rolling on the magnetic properties of nonoriented electrical steel sheet containing 3% silicon was examined by the observation of microstructure and texture analysis. Grain size of each specimen was maximum when the reduction rate of 2nd cold rolling was 5% and it gradually reduced as the rate increased. It was thought that grain growth of 2nd cold rolled specimen was occurred by random, abnormal grain growth. In view of the texture of final product, specimens processed by single cold rolling method had (222) texture, which is unfavorable to magnetic properties, but the ones processed by double cold rolling method had nearly random texture. Specimen with 2nd cold reduction of 5%, thus, had the minimum iron-core loss.
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