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Vol.21, No.9, 790 ~ 796, 1983
The Effect of Carbon - additive on the Sintered Structure of T1 High Speed Steel
오중석Jung Seok Oh, 김영입Young Lib Kim, 문인형In Hyung Moon
The effect of carbon additive on the sinterability and the micro-structure of P/M-T1 grade high speed steel was investigated. The additional carbon added to the nominal composition of T1 grade high speed steel was very useful for adjustment of carbon content as well as for achievement of full densification, so far as this steel should be produced by conventional P/M technique. The optimal sintering condition was related closely with the excess carbon content. In the present work, the optimal condition was proved that the sintering temperature was 1310℃ for the specimen with 0.3w/o excess carbon.
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