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Vol.22, No.1, 33 ~ 41, 1984
The Dynamic Recovery and Recrystallization Behavior of 2014 Al Alloy
임윤순Yoon Soon Im, 이동녕Dong Nyung Lee, 정영훈Young Hoon Chung, 신명철Myung Chul Shin
A study on the dynamic recovery and recrystallization behavior of 2014 Al alloy has been made using torsion test at the temperature range between room temperature and 510℃. The shear strain rate in the test varied from 0.025 to 0.5/sec. The flow curves showed characteristics of dynamic recovery and recrystallization. The dynamic recovery was favored at the condition of higher temperature and lower strain rate. The strain for the strain softening increased with increasing Zener-Hollomon parameter. The maximum torque Mt(p) and the steady state torque Mt(s) were given, respectively, by Mt(p) (in Kg-m) = 9.074×10^(-3) [γ°exp (9.475×10³/T)]^(0.42) Mt(s) (in Kg-m) = 7.62×10^(-3) [γ°exp (1.329×10⁴/T)]^(0.28)
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