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Vol.22, No.3, 185 ~ 193, 1984
A study on the Fabrication and Mechanical Properties of SiC Fiber - aluminum alloy composites
김정근Chung Mun Kim, 박세윤Se Yoon Park
SiC fiber reinforced Al composite has been fabricated by a technique based on the liquid metal hot pressing method. In this experiments SiC fiber orientation was varied from 0˚to 90˚with respect to the tensile axis. Ambient temperature tensile and impact test were performed on as fabricated and thermally treated composites. Ultimate tensile strength exhibits maximum values at 0˚which continually decreases to a minimum at 90˚Impact strength also decreases with increase in fiber orientation angle. Fracture mode after tensile and impact tests was observed by scanning electron microscopy. The distribution of constituents at the interaction zones between Sic fiber and matrix was analysed by SEM and WDS.
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