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Vol.22, No.4, 388 ~ 398, 1984
Formability of 444 Stainless Steel Sheets
정재환Jae Hwan Chung, 이동녕Dong Nyung Lee
The formability of commercial 444 stainless steel sheets containing 18% Cr and 2% Mo of 0.5 or 0.6mm in thickness was evaluated by analyzing their tensile properties such as yield strength, tensile strength, plastic strain ratio, strain hardening exponent, strain rate sensitivity, uniform elongation and total elongation, which were all measured at different angles to the rolling direction, forming limit curve (FLC), strain distribution and crystallographic texture. The FLC level of 444 stainless steel was considerably lower than that of 304 stainless steel and was slightly lower than those of general low carbon steels (Keeler-Goodwin band). The theoretical R-value calculated from the measured texture using the Lee method was in good agreement with the experimental R-value.
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