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Vol.22, No.5, 475 ~ 481, 1984
A Study of the Effects of Microstructure and Drawing on the Flat Rolling of High C Steel Wire
이인섭In Sup Lee, 김원태Won Tae Kim, 김동훈Tong Hoon Kim
Microstructure analysis and tensile test were performed to study the effects of microstructure and drawing on the flat rolling of high carbon steel wires. Critical reduction ratio in flat rolling increases due to the developed fibrous microstructure as drawing ratio increases, and is roughly proportional to the area reduction ratio in tensile test. Edge crack is formed at the angle of 45 degree to the rolling direction due to tensile stress. Critical width to thickness ratio of Stelmor treated wire is superior to that of the lead patenting treated wire. Sorbite created in the lead patenting treatment is considered to be deterious to flat rolling of wire.
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