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Vol.22, No.6, 515 ~ 521, 1984
Structure and Properties of Carbide deposited by Activated Reactive Evaporation
한봉희B . H . Hahn, 송요승Y . S . Song, 윤의준E . J . Yoon
TiC films, through A.R.E. (Activated Reactive Evaporation), were deposited on 304 stainless steel substrate. The structure and properties of TiC films were analyzed according to the substrate temperatures and the partial pressures of the reactive gas (C₂H₂). Coated surfaces and cross sections were examined by S.E.M., and the pole intensity were measured by x-ray diffraction. Hardness was measured by a Micro Vickers Hardness Tester with 10 gr load. Surface structure was of micro-dome structure at low temperature (=0.23 T_m) and the micro-dome structure changed to smooth dome-structure at 650℃ (=0.28 T_m). The intergrated pole intensities of (200) and (220) increased with temperature, but that of (111) were strong at all temperatures. Hardness decreased from 3000 to 1875 ㎏/㎟ and C/M ratio decreased from 0.701 to 0.667, with decreasing temperature and partial pressure.
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