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Vol.22, No.9, 774 ~ 783, 1984
A Study on the Improvement of Creep and Fatigue properties in 316 stainless Steel (3) ( Effects of Prestrain on Creep Behavior of 316 Stainless Steel )
유연철Y . C . Yoo, 정인상I . S . Chung, 이상윤S . Y . Lee
The effect of different levels of cold prestrain on some creep characteristics at 620℃∼650℃ and 200MPa-230MPa of an 316 stainless steel was investigated. The prestrain influences the steady state creep rate and the structure. The steady state creep rate was minimum at 20%-30% prestrain condition. The stress exponent n of secondary creep rate expressed by ε_s=Aσ^n, has been found to range from 7.68 to 7.96 at 620℃ creep and from 5.74 to 6.00 at 650℃ creep. Activation energy for creep in 30% prestrain samples was 97.3㎉/㏖ and in 10% prestrain samples was 87.2㎉/㏖.
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