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Vol.22, No.10, 1000 ~ 1009, 1984
A Study on Properties of iron Ore Sinter of Low SiO2 and FeO
조룡환Y . H . Cho, 배석환S . H. Bae, 양철기C . K . Yang
For the purpose of low energy and stable operation in the blast furnace, physical and chemical properties on iron ore sinter of low SiO₂ and FeO were investigated. The results obtained are summarized as follows: 1) With the decrease of FeO content in sinter under the same basicity, reduction degradation rate at 550℃ and reduction rate at 900℃ were improved. 2) The more quantity of skeletal hematite shows the worse effect on degradation of sinter under the reduction atmosphere at 550℃. 3) With the decrease of SiO₂ content in sinter under constant basicity and FeO, reduction rate at 900℃ and shatter strength are improved, while reduction degradation rate at 550℃ are not improved.
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