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Vol.22, No.11, 1120 ~ 1129, 1984
A Study on the Interaction of Nonmetallic Inclusions with Hydrogen in AISI 5160 Spring Steel
이재영J . Y . Lee, 이성만S . M . Lee, 이기영K . Y . Lee, 이종람J . L . Lee
The hydrogen Thermal Analysis experiments have been carried out for the identification of hydrogen trapping character by nonmetallic inclusions in AISI 5160 spring steel. It was found that oxide inclusions including Fe-oxide, Al₂O₃and SiO₂have a strong interaction with hydrogen relative to the other defects such as the cementite-ferrite interfaces and microvoids. Also, the trap activation energies of hydrogen for each inclusion were determined as follows. They are 50.6 kJ/mole and 69.5 kJ/mole for the Fe-oxides like Fe₃O₄, and Fe₂O₃, 86.2 kJ/mole for the Al₂O₃and 112.1 kJ/mole for the SiO₂respectively. The thermal analysis technique could be used to predict the fatigue properties of the steel by identifying the nonmetallic inclusions and determining the amount of them in the steel.
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