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Vol.22, No.12, 1215 ~ 1225, 1984
Natural Aging of electron Beam Welded 7075 - T6Al Alloy
강춘식C . S . Kang, 황선효S . H . Hwang, 김숙환S . H . Kim
The effect of the heat input (H.I) and natural aging on the mechanical properties and microstructure of the electron beam welded 7075-T6 aluminum alloy has been investigated. This study leads to the following conclusions. 1) The hardness of weldment increased with decreasing H.I. (518.1-1281.8 J/㎜) and increasing natural aging time (5-60 days). 2) The hardness generally increased with distance from the weld metal, though a little decrease in hardness occurred in HAZ(II). 3) The natural aging of the weldment for 100 days raised the tensile strength by about 13% and decreased the absorbed energy by about 35% compared to the 20 day-naturally aged weldment.
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