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Vol.23, No.4, 424 ~ 437, 1985
Study on Ag - Sn System dental amalgam (3) - Effect of mercury - Alloy Ratio , particles Size , Particle Shape and Adding elements on Trituration and Microstructure of Amalgam in Early Stages
차영현Young Hyoun Cha, 한상우Sang Woo Han, 이종남Jong Nam Lee
In order to investigate the effect of mercury-alloy ratio, particle size, particle shape and adding elements on triturations, photographic observation of trituration process and microstructual observation of amalgam at low temperature have been observed, and also wettability and temperature measurement of the capsule during trituration carried out. The results obtained from this study were as follows. 1. Trituration of prealloy and mercury in amalgametor was mainly influenced by wettability of prealloy particle. 2. The time required for trituration of prealloy particles decreased with increasing mercury-alloy ratio and particle size. 3. According to microstructural observation at low temperature, Ag-Hg and Sn-Hg phase appeared in early stages of amalgam.
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