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Vol.23, No.12, 1356 ~ 1363, 1985
The Estimation of the Strip Temperature during cold Rolling
윤정봉 Jeong Bong Yoon
The strip temperature during cold rolling has been estimated by a mathematical model established in the present work. The model was evaluated on a selected steels of which compressive yield strength can be related to the total reduction ratio in terms of σ_c=A+B·γ_t (A and B are material constants) The followings are the results drawn. 1. The strip temperature after finishing cold rolling can be estimated by (수식) 2. The mean value of the difference between the estimated and the measured strip temperature was corresponded to 5.9% of the absolute value measured on the selected steel. 3. It has been found that the best effective way to control the strip temperature is the rolling schedule design.
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