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Vol.24, No.5, 561 ~ 572, 1986
FCC { 111 } Traces and the Euler Angles (2) - Grain Rotation
백동규 Dong Kyu Paik
In this second part of two articles dealing with the orientation determination of the FCC structure using non-parallel {111} traces, a method of calculation is given for the determination of the elation of grains, defined by the Euler angles of the orientations of the grains before and after the rotation. In the calculation of these Euler angles, two equally plausible solutions result in general. This ambiguity is due to the inherent existence of the mirror-image in the determination of the FCC crystal orientation using non-parallel {111} traces. In cases where rotation is by single slip deformation, however, this state of double solutions may be overcome so that the rotation is determined unambiguously.
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