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Vol.24, No.7, 813 ~ 820, 1986
Thermodynamic Properties of Aluminium - Base Alloy Melts
이정중 Jung Joong Lee
For binary liquid aluminium alloys at infinite dilution, it is demonstrated that there exists a certain correlation between the partial enthalpies of mixing, ◎, and the partial excess entropies of mixing, ◎ This correlation is resulted from the fact that both ◎ and ◎ have similar contributing terms which are related with atomic interaction. With very few exceptions, the ◎ values are in accordance with the values calculated on the basis of the Miedema model. Furthermore, the ◎ values are observed to systematically depend on the atomic number. With the help of the Samsonov`s consideration, this systematic dependence can be explained with the electronic structure of the elements.
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